Advanced Search

Isaac Mayer Wise Digital Archive is browsable via the Browse Archive menu on the left-hand side of the webpage. The collection can be browsed in two ways: by series (series include: Correspondence, Editorials, Books, etc.) or by year. Choose a category within series or year to see an expandable list of all entries in that category within the Browse Archive menu. Several of the series have additional browse options, such as periodical title (in the case of Contributions to Periodicals) or correspondent (in the case of Correspondence). After clicking on any of the categories, the main frame of the webpage will display a list of the pertinent items in this specific category; each entry in this list contains a citation to the item as well as a "View" button linking to the actual digital item. The default display is 10 results per page, but this can be adjusted by the user to 25, 50, 100, or All. In order to see the next set of results, click the "Next" button; to see an earlier set of results, click "Previous." Clicking on the "First" button will bring the user to the beginning of the result set; clicking on the "Last" button will bring the user to the end of the result set.

Please contact the AJA if you have any problems with browsing the Isaac Mayer Wise Digital Archive.